Wand November Release

New Supplier Quick Reference Guides

The following Quick Reference Guides walk you through how to utilize the new Worker Profile features in the latest release of Wand.

Frequently Asked Questions

Below you will find many of the most frequently asked questions and answers regarding the latest Wand release and Supplier enhancements.  

Can Worker profiles be turned on or off through configuration?

With this release, all Suppliers will need to create and submit Worker profiles as part of the process.  This is not an option that can be toggled on/off through configuration.  With the introduction of Worker profiles, Wand enables you to submit more robust and dynamic representations of your Candidates, as opposed to just submitting their resume alone.

Still stuck?  Contact Wand Product Support at helpdesk@prounlimited.com

How will these profiles effect workers who were submitted prior to this release?

Previously submitted Workers will appear as they do currently with just a resume, and going forward Worker profiles will need to be created for them. When submitting Workers to requests, any worker that does not currently have a profile will be required to have one prior to submission. Wand makes this process simple and fast with its industry first resume parsing technology.

Still stuck?  Contact Wand Product Support at helpdesk@prounlimited.com

Can I still change Billing and Availability Date information once the Worker's profile has been submitted to a request?

Yes.  When submitting a Worker profile to a request, you will be prompted to enter the billing and availability information as part of the submission.  After you have submitted the Worker, you will still be able to update this information, as you always have.

Still stuck?  Contact Wand Product Support at helpdesk@prounlimited.com

If a worker already exists in my account with a resume, can I create another record for them with a Profile

Yes. While it’s preferred that you create profiles for existing workers, you do have the ability to create a new Worker profile, using the same worker name. You can also create a profile for the existing worker, thus minimizing duplicate Workers in the system.

Still stuck?  Contact Wand Product Support at helpdesk@prounlimited.com

Who can create and update Worker profiles?

Suppliers & MSP’s have the ability to create and update Worker profiles. This is not available to Workers and they will not have the ability to see a profile created for them, and Managers can only view profiles that have been submitted to their requests.

Still stuck?  Contact Wand Product Support at helpdesk@prounlimited.com

It looks like the Phone Number and Email address are required in profiles. Do I have to provide these when submitting Worker profiles?

Yes. While it’s preferred that you create profiles for existing workers, you do have the ability to create a new Worker profile, using the same worker name. You can also create a profile for the existing worker, thus minimizing duplicate Workers in the system.

Still stuck?  Contact Wand Product Support at helpdesk@prounlimited.com

If the Worker has prior experience or family members working for the company I’m submitting them to, can I provide that information? 

Yes. The section titled Previous Experience on the submittal page has these 3 options:

  1. Worker is a previous employee. When checked this will ask for the Start Date, End Date, and Supervisor name of the previous engagement.
  2. Worker is a previous contractor or provided services through a third-party supplier. When checked this will ask for the Start Date, End Date, and Supervisor name of the previous engagement.
  3. Worker has a family member at client. When checked this will ask for the Name and Relationship of the family member. 

Still stuck?  Contact Wand Product Support at helpdesk@prounlimited.com

I see that the look-and-feel in my Supplier account has been updated. Have there been any changes to information contained in the Requests?

No. The information in the requests are still the same. They’ve just been re-styled to align more with the Hiring Managers experience in WAND.

Still stuck?  Contact Wand Product Support at helpdesk@prounlimited.com

As a Supplier can I create multiple profiles for the same Worker?  

No. You have the ability to create one profile for each Worker in your account. However, if you need to create a profile for a worker that’s say Product Manager focused, and another for the same worker that’s Project Manager focused, then in that case you would create 2 different workers and 2 different profiles.

Still stuck?  Contact Wand Product Support at helpdesk@prounlimited.com

Are we required to upload a specific resume type or format to get Skills and other sections parsed correctly?  

There is no required format or preferred layout for worker resumes. The resume parsing engine is very dynamic and supports Microsoft Word, Adobe PDF, and Text-based resumes. 

Still stuck?  Contact Wand Product Support at helpdesk@prounlimited.com

Do these changes impact any of our data feeds to other systems?

The request and underlying worker information are still intact and have not changed with the addition of profiles. This could be an opportunity to review the new information contained in profiles (Skills, Languages, Certifications, etc.) and see if those should be added to your existing feeds. 

Still stuck?  Contact Wand Product Support at helpdesk@prounlimited.com

Will this release impact the Managers ability to request for hire or schedule interviews?  

No. Managers can still perform the same tasks they have currently through a new Actions section when reviewing each worker submitted to a request.

Still stuck?  Contact Wand Product Support at helpdesk@prounlimited.com

As an MSP can I search for submitted workers even though they weren’t assigned to a request?

Yes. As soon as worker profiles are submitted to staffing requests for your clients you can search and locate them in the Worker section of your account.

Still stuck?  Contact Wand Product Support at helpdesk@prounlimited.com

Do I have to use a Resume to create profiles? I may not have one at the time of adding a new worker to my account.

No. Suppliers and MSP’s have an option Continue without Resume to create a basic profile for the worker and submit them to a request. Once the basic profile is created you can always add the resume and other attachments at a later date when they’re available. 

Still stuck?  Contact Wand Product Support at helpdesk@prounlimited.com

As an MSP I’m currently able to add new resumes for existing workers and associate them with a supplier. What will I do now that we’re using profiles?

A ‘Profile’ tab has been added to the Worker record in the MSP view. This will store profiles for the worker that have been submitted by different suppliers, and is also an area where you can add additional worker profiles and associate them with a supplier on their behalf. 

Still stuck?  Contact Wand Product Support at helpdesk@prounlimited.com

Can I add attachments along with resumes to a Worker profile?

Yes. Once a profile has been created for the Worker you can search and access their record in the Worker section of your account, then in the profile view you’ll see an Attachments link (directly beneath the Resume link) and add up to 5 total attachments for the worker. 

Still stuck?  Contact Wand Product Support at helpdesk@prounlimited.com

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